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功徳と随喜 Kudoku (功徳) and Zuiki (随喜)




*1 煩悩 貪瞋痴は三毒と称され煩悩の代表的なものとされる。貪は欲張りの心、瞋は怒り狂って我を忘れること、痴はものごとの本当の在り方について無知なこと。
Kudoku (功徳) and Zuiki (随喜)

     Zuiki (随喜) is "a joy that arises in a person’s heart when he or she witnesses another person doing good deeds”. Of course, the good deeds here refer to Kudoku, that is "good deeds that will be rewarded by gods and Buddhas”. However, I was not so sure whether I felt joy when I observed someone who accumulated kudoku.

   In mid-October 2021, Echizen City held a mayoral election. Since my mother needed assistance in voting and I was usually busy on weekends, I took my mother to a polling place at city hall before the election day. She usually used her pushcart to get around. But, in order to save time and for her safety, I had my mother ride in a wheelchair provided at the city hall from the parking lot to the polling place.
   When I was about to go to the reception desk, I noticed something. My mother was not wearing a mask, which was obligatory to prevent the spread of covid. Careless she was, you might have said, but it was nothing unusual because she seldom went out. Fortunately, there was a spare mask in my car. Just as I was about to go back to get it, a lady next to me said, "Please use this one. I have some extras in my bag.”
   I almost refused, but a thought came to my mind. I should not deprive her of the chance to achieve kudoku (merit and virtue).
   Offering a helping hand to an elderly lady and her son in need is a fuse, a charitable expression. It would be a transaction if she expected something in return, but it would not be likely that she did. Therefore, if my mother and I accepted her favor, it would be a fuse for her part. Fuse is none other than kudoku, which gods and buddhas would reward.
   As I watched my mother put on the mask, a thought came to my mind. The warmth that came up in my mind then must have been a Zuiki, a joy that arises in my heart when a person witnesses a good deed by others.
     However, since I was a direct receiver of her favor, my joy may not exactly be Zuiki. But I believe that the receptionists and those voters who happened to observe us and the woman must have felt a similar warmth of heart, Zuiki.
     Of course, not all people are delighted when they witness the good deeds of others. Jealousy or unnecessary prying may arise. Also, because of our bonno*1, we may not even be able to see the good deeds of others for what they truly are.
     Even so, we should not give up. Because by accumulating kudoku (merits and virtue) we enrich not only our own minds, but the minds of others around us, with the guidance of gods and buddhas.
   Reciting nenbutsu is the best way to accumulate kudoku, St. Honen said. "Regard yourself as an ignorant person, one who does not know a single word of the Buddha’s many teachings and recite nenbutsu in earnest”. Surely, the Amitabha will care for us, guide us for the better and those around us.

*1 bonno Delusions and desires that swirl in our minds are called bonno. Ton, zin, chi (貪瞋痴), which are called san-doku (三毒, three poisons) are representative ones. Ton (貪) is greed to want more than you need, zin (瞋) is anger that makes you blind to reality, chi (痴) is foolishness that arises from the ignorance of truth.

(c) 2023 宗教法人 大寳寺